martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

1 ESO "E"

As you know, we will be watching Diary of a Wimpy Kid next Friday. Some of you have already read some of the books and others have watched the first film.
If you click on the picture you'll find a wall; double click and post a comment answering the following questions: Do you like Diary of a Wimpy Kid? Why? How many of the diaries have you read?Who is your favourite character and why? Give a description of him/her.   
You can find more information clicking on Official WebSite and watching the official trailer.

3 comentarios:

  1. Me gusta tu blog y la temática que incluyes en él. Soy maestra de inglés en primaria y quiero compartir con mis alumnos historias, libros y temas diferentes a lo que siempre trabajamos en clase.
    Un saludo

  2. I didn't read any book of "Diary of A Wimpy Kid" but I would like to read one, I only see the first film

  3. I didn´t read any book of "Diary of a wimpy kind" and any film too but I would like to read or see any film.the film that we are seeing is very comic and interesting,I like this.
